Thursday, January 8, 2009

I'm taking the day off

I love taking care of my children, my husband, the house, my work, pets, plants, etc, etc, etc.  But sometimes I need little time for myself, from time to time, when life gets too real, I send my husband to the park, movies, and maybe Burger King with the kids, and just take the day off.
I start with a long bubble bath, and my favotire music,  then I put my feet up with the detox foot patches,  great to relief stress, put on all sorts of creams on my legs, hands, face, and read a book or a magazine, drink a cup of coffee, some relaxation.  After a couple of hours I'm completely recharged.
What do you do to beat stress?

Back up your movies!

I don't know about your kids, but mine can watch the same movie over, and over, and over again... and then some more.
I had to buy The Incredibles twice, because they played the dvd so many times it wore off!!!
But the other day I found a software to back up the dvd's.  It's called 123 copy DVD. I haven't tried it yet, but I think it's a great idea to have a back up of the dvds.  If you've tried it let me know.
It seems very easy to use, I'll see what happens.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Great for young readers

This is a great tool, I like it as much as hooked on phonics, very interactive.
I got it from a place called Click'nRead Phonics, my kids are only 5 and 7, so this is great for them, it gets harder as the lessons advance. The best part is they have a great time and learn at the same time.  They think it's a great cool is that!

Children, children, children!!!

Hi there! Having two little kids of my own (plus nieces and nephews too), these are a few of my favorite sites.
The I SEE ME site offers personalized books with the child's name on it. They have "my very own fairy tale", "my own abc's", the world according to your child kit and book is great, they send you some interview questions to ask the child, such as what the child wants to be when he or she grows up, the child's favorite things, and more. Color markers and drawing sheets are provided for the child to do 6 drawings, including a self-portrait. Once you complete everything, you mail it to them and they will make a beautifully printed book that I'm sure you'll treasure forever!, and my favourite, the personalized floor puzzle, it was a great hit at my nephew's birthday party! Of course I'm only the coolest aunt ever...
Check it out and let me know how did you liket it!